
国际食品法典委员会秘书长汤姆·海兰德演讲全文 丨 Full text of speech by Tom Heiland

日期:2021-11-09 17:15:07 浏览:
由国家市场监督管理总局、中国人民对外友好协会、中国国际贸易促进委员会、国际食品法典委员会共同主办的第十五届“一带一路”生态农业与食品安全论坛,于2021年11月6日在第四届中国国际进口博览会期间成功举办。论坛已连续四届作为中国国际进口博览会重点配套活动举办。本届论坛以“深化农业与食品务实合作 促进“一带一路”民心相通”为主题,围绕“坚持可持续发展理念 全面提升农产品和食品质量安全”“强化支撑保障能力 守护‘舌尖上的安全’”“发展生态有机农业 助力乡村振兴”等议题,邀请众多国内外政要、工商界领袖、国际组织、驻华机构、商(协)会人士、优秀企业家代表、食品安全专家等嘉宾出席论坛发表真知灼见。


国际食品法典委员会秘书长汤姆·海兰德 主题演讲

今年我在罗马向你们问好,欢迎你们来到上海中国国际进口博览会——第十五届“一带一路”生态农业与食品安全论坛。我知道再过几个小时论坛就要开始了。此次论坛的主题是深化农业与食品务实合作 促进“一带一路”民心相通。这个主题与国际食品法典的机构宗旨是高度一致的。国际食品法典的整体工作是在“四个更好”原则指导下展开的:更好的生产,更好的营养,更好的环境为了更好的生活。


Greetings! Ladies and gentlemen,

I am greeting from Rome this year, to welcome you to the 15th Belt and Road Eco-Agriculture and Food Safety Forum, that you are holding in Shanghai, at China International Import Expo. I know that you will open in a few hours from when I am speaking this now. And your theme is: secure food safety for global supply chain for peoples better life. And as you know this is very much aligned with the goals of Codex Alimentarius, where we are working under the overall guidance of the four betters: better production, better nutrition, better environment for better life.


I am greeting you a little bit shorter this time, not really with a prepared speech. It is because we are right in the middle of the 84th session of the executive committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Today, just in 2 hours, we are going to have the adoption of the report. We had great work this week and last week.


I am sharing with you, behind me, some of the images, because we are here in Rome in a TV studio. The chairperson Guilherme, in the back. He would like to greet you as well. But he is very very busy. And he is going to travel to Rome also to be with us next week for the commission - for the 44th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, where we will be in a TV studio in Rome, both of us. And I hope that many of you can participate in that.


Now we have a lot of work in front of us. We have the important topic of antimicrobial resistance to conclude. Because our task force that was held in the Republic of Korea, and hosted by the Republic of Korea, has finished its work. That (antimicrobial resistance) is a very important thread for international food safety and public health. So we will be very happy to give guidance to countries on this, to enable trade of food products to continue to flow. Also on our agenda, there is the adoption of the guidance on frontal pack labeling, which is important for consumers to be able to compose a healthy diet. We also have our elections coming up. So our chairperson will be with us the last time as a chair. And we will have an election, we will have a new chairperson and vice chairpersons. As always, it is very complicated these days: the commission will be virtual, chairperson and vice chairpersons will be with us in Rome, and the election will take place in Geneva. it is an exiting time.


I wish you for the best for your meeting, that it is going to be tomorrow. I hope that next year I will be with you in Shanghai, or where ever you are holding the meeting in China. I miss coming to China a lot. But for the understanding that at the moment, travel is very complicated. In the virtual world we have a lot of opportunistic also to meet. So at the next meeting, at least I would like to be with you live, not as recording. We try to set that up together with the secretariat.


All the best for your meeting!


Again, food safety and standards are important building blocks of supply chains. Global supply chain cannot function safely, if you do not have the standards, if you do not have the people working on it, and working on it together.


Thank you very much and I hope to see you soon.